Since our move I often find myself missing things of the familiar. Silly things that were once so accessible I would've never thought twice about them. Like five minute drives to Target, and escalators. (Yes, you read that right. I miss escalators!) But on the flipside one of the best things I can atest to about moving out of state is that there are an abundance of things to do that we've never done before.
This Sunday we decided to take a drive, blissed out by the sunny weather we headed across the bridge that crosses the Columbia river into Washington state to go see the lighthouse at Cape Disappointment.
Amazing how Shawn talked me into hiking with the bad shoes I was wearing, up the hill and down again. But even out of breath, with shoelaces that begrudgingly kept untying themselves it was so worth it. It always is. When I really stop to think about it, Target and escalators were a pretty good trade off. Just look at all of the beauty that surrounds us here, we definitely made out like bandits.
Here are a few photos of our garden's "mystery bulbs" that I had been wondering about. It turns out (the hundreds of green stems) were all bluebells waiting to open. Utterly enchanting. I love the sea of endless color, I wish I could better capture it on film to mirror the way it looks in person.
I hadn't realized just how out of date my Projects section had become on this website. I built it back around 2002, crazy how quick time flies. It's in dire need of broken link fixes and new material. This week I'll be updating with fresh photos and links in the miniature section. Big thanks to Jill, for reminding me!
Labels: photography, The_North_Coast
posted by Liquid Sky Arts at 9:00 PM