We drove into Los Angeles over the weekend, to go visit the Pavilion of Wings with some friends. One big black butterfly immediately took to Shawn's USC hat. (Being that USC was just across the street...quite ironic.) It stayed affixed to his hat for a good 15 minutes while he romped about taking photographs. Quite a funny sight. My friends daughter went straight for the gusto...trying to catch them with her hands. So, how do you reason with a 3 year old when they are doing something bad? After the docent, kind of scolded her. I picked a flower for her to hold, and told her to "be patient...the butterflies will come to you". And they did. Unfortunately people around began to take notice of this genius technique, and began picking flowers too. When the docent began to get angry and yelled at them, they pointed to the innocent 3 year old child and said, "I saw her doing it". (Oh dear...my fault completely!) When the flower was taken away, a little screaming ensued. Which was a good indicator to leave. But you know...how much time can you spend with butterflies, in a contained crowded room full of strangers before you get a little flighty yourself?!
It's always fun to get into a little bit of trouble anyway, it makes for good stories.
The other evening I finally finished my knitted scarf. I'm terribly happy witht he way it turned out...it's just so colorful & nubby.
I added some new randomness to my sidebar recently. Things that made me smile this week.
Mo Kin a three year old xylophone player, and the trailer for I heart hucakabees.
posted by Liquid Sky Arts at 9:26 PM