Houses are really bodies. We connect ourselves with walls, roofs, and objects just as we hang on to our livers, skeletons, flesh and bloodstream." -Leonora Carrington, The Hearing Trumpet
I took an excessive amount of photographs today while on our neighborhood garden tour (89 to be exact. Digital cameras are lovely things, indeed.) . My head is swimming with ideas, there was so much creative energy afoot!
I really want to get a copy of Mysterium Zine's issue #4. It has a section about garden journaling which really struck my fancy. Which reminds me that I still am in heavy need to snatch up some skeleton keys for my windchime project. Ebay hasn't been nice to me lately...I keep getting outbid.
On a completely unrelated note: grow a brain is another website I've come across recently. I love these sand sculptures....they are too amazing.
posted by Liquid Sky Arts at 8:46 PM