
Thanks so much for your supportive comments about our move. They kept my spirits up!

After all of this moving around, I'm ready for some serious downtime! We took the weekend to unpack and organize. When I became so tired I couldn't move any more I did what any exhausted person would do, I caught up on some cheesy cable shows. For some reason I keep finding myself watching, "Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane". To be honest, half the time I'm cringing and holding the remote in the air. Just frozen in my tracks unable to turn the channel. She's a force of nature!

I'm loving how the area we just moved to is both developed and undeveloped. To one side of our neighborhood is a vineyard, and the other pasture. Our neighbors have two horses. I've been bribing them with handfuls of baby carrots to try and get them to pop their heads over to the fence. It didn't take long for them to catch on to my little game. Now they come trotting at full speed whenever they see us. I'm seriously fond of them, they are in dire need of some cute nicknames.

Here's a peek into our new place, still plenty of work to get fully settled in, but we're definitely off to a great start.


posted by Liquid Sky Arts at 7:30 AM

liquidskyarts. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


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