...more inspiration for October:

First, I'm squealing with admiration over the beautiful downloadable set of letters and numbers that I've used in the collage above, made by Jenny of Allsorts. I can't wait to make a banner like she did with them for Halloween. It's perfect!

1. This photo is from Wee Garden's miniature Gardening Blog. Her Lilliputian fairy garden photos are downright enchanting. I'm really in love with the idea of this tiny chandelier. I've got to make one.

2. Quite a brilliant slogan, for a t-shirt I'd say. From the Anzevino & Florence store.

3. Teesha Moore's blog is chock full of inspiration. I've been most familiar with her work through black and white zines. I love finally being able to see her work in full blown color. (link via Anahata's Inspiration Engine... another must see site filled with creative eyecandy!)

4. Another dose of color therapy from the Zara Home collection. I love going through their photos.

Lastly, here are a few quick shots I took of some of the colorful fabrics and patterns I've been playing with lately. My favorite part about the pillows pictured above with the oversized rick-rack trim are the buttons. They're actually tiny Alice and Wonderland collage pins from Tiffini of Tartx! And just for the sake of showing the world what I mean when I say my sewing machine is tiny, here it is!


posted by Liquid Sky Arts at 8:10 PM

liquidskyarts. Get yours at bighugelabs.com/flickr


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